Welcome to Kurnool Ashok Nagar Pump House Data Acquisition

OSSADA (Offsite Supervisory And Data Acquisition)

The OSSADA Software is developed for the Filtration Plant Management System. Generally Filtration Plants are constructed near to the Water resources which are far away from the Towns or Cities and also Supervisory Engineering Department. The day to day assessment becomes difficult in such conditions. The OSSADA Software overcomes the supervision through Software and Hardware installed at Filtration Plant.

The name suggested

After we completed this software in 2006, our team manager Janaki Rama Rao suggested the name OSSADA. The Department of Public Health and RWS Engineers also suggested a few names and finally named OSSADA after their decision that OSSADA was good. OSSADA and SCADA are two names that are closely related and technically have the same working method, so it was finally decided that OSSADA name would be better. Application is one which is developed for all our requirements and needs through Software and Hardware. All the Filtration Plant requirements and features are available in OSSADA of different application versions.

How To It Works

OSSADA is an online Software application and Onsite Hardware Digital Display. It shows real time data in the website, Onsite Digital Display Board and useful for the off-site supervisory. The data is stored at web server and we can get the reports of the data wherever internet available with computer or smart phone. It sends alerts, real time data, schedules, precautions through SMS. The SMS is useful for offsite supervisory real time data without internet. It sends data in a big digital display for on-site operator understanding.

Kurnool Municipal Corporation

Kurnool is situated on the southern banks of the Tungabhadra and Hundri rivers in the central west part of Andhra Pradesh. Kurnool was the former capital of Andhra Pradesh from 1953 until 1956. It is the headquarters of the district.

Motor Energy


Motor Energy

Power Status

Power Status

Power Status

Pipe Flow

Pipe Flow

Pipe Flow

Tank Level

Tank Level

Tank Level